About wow-swag.com

 WoW Swag is a Social Networking Platform. With our new feature, users can post photos, videos, poke friends, search for friends, advertise, follow your favourite celebrities, public-figures, stars, make reels, create your own brand and more. 

Wow Swag is a fashion & lifestyle ecommerce platform - Custom built on celebrity lifestyle - The brands they use with a personalized outreach. - Be it clothing, footwear, hairstyle or lifestyle experience it in your favourite star-style. We believe that YOU ARE THE GREATEST PROJECT YOU WILL EVER WORK ON..

  • E-Commerce contributes to <10% sales of top 100 Brands in Apparel, Fashion and Accessories that account for 75%+ Category Wallet Share of Urban Upmarket Consumers.
  • 90% Category sales in E-commerce comprise of Unbranded & Subsidiary Products of Rs 1000/-.
  • Top Brands sell only through discounts on old sales. Existing E-commerce Platforms are built for high velocity, low ticket, large catalogue and discount driven sales… Which is a Massive Pain Point for Brands since despite spending 40% Marketing Budget on Digital & Social Media, Engagement-to-Sales Journey is Broken & Fuzzy.
  • Instagram is the Hotspot of Brand Marketing today for Most Fashion & Lifestyle Brands. 35% Brands are betting >1/3rd of their Marketing Budgets on Social Media and Influencer Campaigns. But these engagements do not lead to e-Commerce… a $20 Billion lost Opportunity for Brands.
  • Well! While Fashion & Lifestyle E-commerce Platforms are Facing Multiple Challenges; Shoppers and Brands aren’t Happy Either.
  • Roadster by Myntra has already become a >Rs 300 Cr brand and fashion D2C brands have raised $756M between 2014 and 2021, raising existential questions on established brands.

At Wow-Swag - We are Solving this Last Mile Problem by Creating High-Impact Customer Engagement by Uniting Brand Science with Conversational Commerce. Creating unique and customized online shopping experience using the Brand. Enabling deep conversational and engagement driven commerce through personalization & gamification. Creating a Perfect Cadence of Discovery – Influence – Engagement – Commerce – Belonging – Repeats – Loyalty.

Reach Us to give YOU The WOW & The SWAG to Stand Apart in Class…